Benefits of Yoga and Meditation: Unlocking Inner Peace

Read Time: 3 min Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ that means ‘to join’. The practice of yoga leads to the joining of an individual’s consciousness with the universal consciousness. The initial practice of yoga helps incorporate a perfect harmony between mind and body. Discipline helps in expanding one’s conscious limits. Meditation helps one attain discipline and… Continue reading Benefits of Yoga and Meditation: Unlocking Inner Peace

Discover the Best Ayurvedic Treatment in India at Fazlani Nature’s Nest

Read Time: 4 min Ayurvedic Treatment (also known as “Ayurveda”) is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was created in India about 3,000 years ago. It was founded on the idea that good health and well-being need a careful balance of mind, body, and spirit. Its primary objective is to promote good health rather than… Continue reading Discover the Best Ayurvedic Treatment in India at Fazlani Nature’s Nest

What Is a Wellness Retreat and Its Benefits?

Read Time: 2 min What is a Wellness Retreat? A Wellness retreat is about escaping the agony, obligations, and frantic pace of everyday life, and allowing the mind to unwind from its monotonous routine.  It’s time to reconnect with your inner stillness and calm. In our hectic lives, a health retreat provides a much-needed haven where we can finally… Continue reading What Is a Wellness Retreat and Its Benefits?

Dincharya & It’s Importance in Ayurveda

Read Time: 7 min In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be hard to juggle, but no good things come easy, isn’t it? For a long healthy life, adopting good habits and following them in earlier years is a must. Therefore it’s important to develop a daily Ayurvedic routine, as it helps to establish balance in one’s… Continue reading Dincharya & It’s Importance in Ayurveda